Saturday, August 25, 2007

Day four post-op..

Michael had some setbacks today so we are still in the hospital. He woke up this morning and had a terrible headache and had an episode similar to his seizures. When the spell was over, he said the headache was gone.

Shortly thereafter, he started crying that his stomach hurt. He hasn't eaten very much today and has drank even less. What he has eaten, he hasn't kept down and he has slept all day except for about 90 minutes. He is also complaining that his right eye hurts and the light is giving him a headache. We even took him outside and showed him a construction site complete with a crane and he didn't perk up.

The doctors don't seem concerned but we decided to stay one more night since the hospital is so far from home. Unless Michael gets worse, we are going to come home in the morning and see if that makes him better. We will post when we know for sure. JoAnne

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope today is going better for Michael and you are able to go home. How difficult everything must be for him. At least Bryson is too young to remember his surgeries.