Sunday, August 19, 2007

Getting ready for Rochester

It is Sunday night and Michael has just gone to bed. We will be heading to Rochester sometime tomorrow. Michael now knows we are going back to the hospital so the doctors can make his nose better and make the seizures stop. As advised by the doctors, we haven't given him any details about how they are going to "fix" him. He thought we were just going to the hospital for one day and wasn't happy when I told him it was going to be a few days. He accepted it after a while.

Jeff & I are glad the time has come. Michael didn't have a good weekend. He had 8 seizures yesterday without any reason like being tired or sick. And, he had 3 seizures today even though the doctors increased his medicine. If the seizures don't settle down tomorrow, the neurologist wants to try to add Valium to his meds.

Jeff is working his last shift in Massena tonight. As much as he wants to be closer to home, he is really sad about leaving the friends in Massena. It's just one more thing on his mind right now.

We will keep posting here from Rochester. We will try to post some pictures of Michael's progress for those of you that can't be with us. Keep us in your prayers.


Dad always said the chicks would dig me

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